Molly: I don’t think our blog is quite as funny today (just a personal opinion) because Anne & I have tried REALLY hard to be on our best behavior. Obviously that failed about 50% of the time, but imagine if we had lost all of our impeccable self control…
So, yesterday at 6pm when I signed up for the “dawn safari” I thought this was a wonderful idea. At 6am when I tried to roll out of bed I silently cursed myself for trying to pack it all in. Of course, Diva Number One had already had two cups of coffee, a shower, and had been watching the stars outside in the pitch black dark. So, admittedly, I was not enthusiastic about her overly-chipper demeanor. So I put on my 50 layers of clothing (note; Diva Number One only had two layers on and seemed to be doing fine and I was colder than a popsicle.) Below is the view outside one of the bedrooms...SO BEAUTIFUL!
HOWEVER, our tour was wonderful, and very diva-like. We were the only two people on a 25 person tour bus. Just us and the guide. The small number gave us lots of personal attention and time for sassy questions, which of course we had, and lots of space to sprawl ourselves out. I sat in almost every seat over the course of four hours (I thought I should get the full experience.) We saw moose (see below)
and deer, and birds, and a bald eagle, and BISON. I now love bison. They are very sassy. I like them because they look all cute and cuddly but are the most dangerous animal in the area and they are really vicious on the inside. Kind of like me and Anne. J Anyway, we found a HUGE herd of bison right off the road, and we stopped and watched them for a while. I found a favorite bison, he was the most grumpy and the largest and I named him Chunk. I thought he was adorable and Mom told me that if I loved him so much I could have him for dinner. She is SO mean. Below is a photo of my beloved Chunk. Below Chunk is a bison fight!
We even went on a nature hike this morning to see a beaver dam…except the beavers had left…which was kind of awkward but we got over it. There were also elk tracks, I was a little worried for Diva Number One and myself…we would not have done well in an elk stampede. Here are some photos from the nature hike:
I also got to hold authentic antlers..and pet fur. Mom thought this was gross..the Diva just couldn't handle it. I loved it (as seen above!)
After our lovely wilderness safari/exploration, we came back to the house for a little and then went out into Jackson to find the tram to the top of Rendezvous Mountain. Anne has a fear of heights, but she braved the tram anyway. She told everyone on the tram that she hoped we would make it to the top and she even offered to help the tram driver drive if he needed any help. He didn't, obviously. So on this tram, we meet our new best friend, Ed, who is our tram driver/person. He is hilarious and he tells us that Rendez-vous means “meeting place” and Apres-Vous means “after you.” He was very proud of his knowledge of the French language. Anyway, Ed and I got into a picture, because I told him I wrote a blog and that meant I was famous. Mom and I laughed for a LONG time after that one…
Anne: Whew! Made it down that mountain with my life intact. Who cares about Molly? We have had the most wonderful day, even if it did start a little early! We loved being the only ones on the dawn safari so we could have the naturalist all to ourselves. We can't decide if everyone heard we would be on the tour and then cancelled their reservations or what happened, but we were two very lucky divas. We had a hike and it was a bit treacherous over some parts of the trail. Molly kept trying to nudge between the naturalist and me so she could be in the middle. I thought at first maybe she was having a hard time hearing that early in the morning. But later she told me that she tried to stay in the middle because in case of a bear attack, she would be wedged between the other two of us and would be less likely to be eaten first. She will be punished for this.
So after we got through, we went to ride the tram to the top of Rendez-vous Mountain. I am a little afraid of heights, but I wasn't going to let Molly go alone. In hindsight, I might should have. She had every stranger on the tram taking her picture at some point. She went to the Top of the Mountain and when I saw her, she was posed like that woman in the Titanic movie, with her arms outstretched and the wind blowing her hair. Some poor man was taking her picture over and over because she wasn't satisfied with his photographic skills. I turned my back and acted like I didn't know her. She told that poor young man who operated the tram that she was famous because she had a blog. He couldn't wait to jump in the picture with her. Imagine his disappointment when he can't find her on Google...
We are being real nice and trying to make y'all proud of us. We get up every morning and put on our makeup and wear nice tourist clothes. But I just have to tell you, there are some pretty embarrassing Americans touring America with us. We are the youngest by about 50 years in many of the places we go. All the young families are back for school, so that leaves the Divas and the rest. Hhmmm.
Jackson Hole is beautiful. I was up so early this morning so I could sit outside in the dark and look at the stars. They were so bright and there was lightning over the mountains. We will be sad to leave tomorrow. At some point, we have to find a car wash. The Grey Ghost/Goose looks black now because of the dust we drove in yesterday. We don't want to be tacky tourists, so we will clean it up before we head north. We are off for a good meal tonight, even though you know who wants to call room service. She should have napped during the rainstorm this afternoon like I did, but she was too busy putting all the pictures of herself on her computer. More tomorrow!
Molly: I just attempted to edit Diva Number One's post and I think she nearly cut my hand off. Leave us comments!
Anne & Molly
Awesome pix, Wild Divas. I think you should have an alternate name--The Buffalo Gals. Annie, where are the pictures of you???
ReplyDeleteMolly, I want your autograph as soon as this trip is over. You ARE going to be famous....there's no doubt in my mind. So before you forget about the "peons" and the "little people" of the world, I want proof that I know you (sort of) personally. You are a delight! Why are there no pictures of Diva One???
ReplyDeleteI definitely want to see photos of Anne with something wild next. And, when you get home I would like an autograph too, you famous divas!!! You girls are making my day. Wish I was there!