Well y'all, I have suffered many disappointments today. Or as Anne tried to positively say "You had a wonderful day sprinkled with disappointment." Whatever. It really wasn't that bad, but I am going to make you a brief outline of all the bad things that happened before I tell you all the good!
1. I finally convinced Diva Number One to take me to the World's Largest Postage Stamp Ball in Omaha. We went. It was closed for Labor Day.
2. I read Anne's half of our blog in the car on the way to the World's Largest Postage Stamp Ball and realized that she had FALSELY accused me of snoring in the car yesterday. This is libel because 1. I don't snore and 2. The only reason I kept waking up was because Diva Number One couldn't stay in between the lines of the road and kept running off into the griddy things, thus awakening me from my peaceful eye-resting. I am suing her for defamation of character.
3. I drug Anne to three different stores in Lincoln, Nebraska trying to find anywhere that would sell a MacBook Air laptop charger. It's bad when I know more than the Apple expert at Best Buy who told me his charger was the same as mine. I told him no multiple times until he got his superviser who agreed with me. I called probably 25 different stores/mac places across three states, but no luck. So we are still using hotel computers.
4. I tried to get Anne to go with me to Carhenge. It's kind of like the tacky American stonehenge made of cars--about 2 hours out of our way, but it looked like fun. She let me drive us until we saw that the road to get there was closed. This was a devestating event--and it was only 3 pm.
5. My mother has tried to dump me at every college from Nashville to Cheyenne, Wyoming (where we currently are.) Did you know that my mother promised me that we could drive to California, not actually thinking that I would go to California? Me either. I learned this about 8 hours into our drive today. That will teach her to promise me things again! (But she's having fun. And so am I.)
6. Mom drove the wrong way on a One-Way street AGAIN. This wasn't actually disappointing, I found it hilarious. This has happened twice now, and I laughed just as hard as when Mom got us lost into Kansas!
7. Mom says I've now written so much that I'm boring you. She's a mean, mean, person. And none of our photos are uploading, so we'll work on that tomorrow!
Anyways, after the Kansas incident yesterday, Mom says our "circle of trust" has been "irreparably broken" and I am still fired as Navigator Girl. Oh well, I'll live! :)
Here's some of the good things:
1. I got my picture taken in a corn field.
2. I got my picture taken at the "Welcome to Colorado sign"
3. I got my picture taken jumping while a train passed.
4. We saw a man wearing a "Fear the Corn" shirt. We feared him.
5. Everyone here wears colored wife beaters. Man, woman, old, young, cute, not, everyone wears them and they are attractive on NO ONE.
However, I have positive hopes for tomorrow that it will be even better than today and we will hopefully get some of these internet/photo issues worked out!
Gosh, have we only been gone two days? Hhmmm. seems like a month--or two! Today was suppose to be our quick little seven-hour drive from Omaha to Cheyenne. We were just going to make a quick stop at Boys Town to see the world's largest postage stamp ball or something like that. But it was closed. You would have thought Molly was going to have to have her arm amputated. Oh, the whining. She tried to make up for her disappointment by finding other attractions for us, but alas, there was nothing as exciting. Besides, when you've seen the UFO stalker, everything else pales. We did spend over an hour in Lincoln looking for the Apple store or somewhere that sold Apple products. Failed. Molly is so unglued that these people out here are not connected with anything but their corn and wheat. We did spend an awful lot of time stopping to take her picture in various poses in front of various sites. We were nearly eaten by a giant frog in the corn field, so we had to stop taking pictures for a few hours.
It was a VERY windy drive today because a cold front was coming in. While the ex-navigator was asleep (again), I nearly ran off the road when I saw this sign: "Watch for wind on overpass." Well, I slowed down and watched and watched for the wind, but I never did see it. It was 50 mph through most of the drive, but we made it. I love that the speed limit out here is 75 or 85 or even higher. I didn't know what the limit was at first and made the mistake of asking the ex-navigator. Her response: "Probably 100. Take a risk. We'll get there quicker." She is NOT having a car in college.
Our accommodations tonight are much better than last night. We've ordered Chinese to be delivered because our only other option was another Outback Steakhouse. Just couldn't do it again. Tonight we might get a good night's sleep so we can go to the ghost town Molly has found for us to visit and then finally get to Jackson Hole! We are excited.
Over these two days I have been able to easily eliminate places I want my ashes scattered. Molly has the list. I've also decided that so far, we haven't been anywhere worth getting scalped for. I would never make it as a pioneer.
Well, am off to bed early. Hopefully, we will have no truck drivers on our hall tonight...all trying to pick up Molly. And our plumbing seems to work. Life is good!
Molly: I would like to close with my latest disappointment. Mom and I got Chinese takeout, and here are our fortunes:
Anne's: "You have an ambitious nature and will make a name for yourself."
Molly's: "A movie would be a great way to relax this weekend."
How appropriate.
Leave us comments!
Anne& Molly
UPDATE: here are our photos from yesterday, now that we finally have internet! Enjoy!
Just caught up with where you girls are at - making some great memories! So fun! Can't wait for tomorrow's post.
ReplyDeleteStill sounds like a lot of fun, ladies, despite the cornfields and the Outback Steakhouses. Hooray for the Chinese. And may you have a pleasant night and good journey tomorrow. What day are you to arrive at Big Sky? I'll let Taylor know so he'll be expecting you. Love, Morris
ReplyDeleteliterally just lol-ed in the silent part of the library. I miss you more than words!
ReplyDeletehaha You and your mother are too much alike! Have a fun & safe trip! oh and I agree with your mom, don't hook up with the truck drivers, they'll take you straight to herpesville.
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious!!! Send this blog into Hollywood when the trip is over and they can make a movie!!
ReplyDeleteI love the trip! Sammy and I were going to do it last year, but then that gosh darn job got in the way. Ann, don't dispair about Molly sleeping, last time I drove across country to show the girls this "great country of ours" they slept the entire time. It would have been easier to go by myself, although it is good to have company in sketchy lodgings.
ReplyDeleteHope to see Ann and Mike in Danville on Saturday night the 18th!!!!
Hi Ladies,
ReplyDeleteI love the blog. Thank you for sharing your experience, however I am sad that you had to miss Carhenge Molly, it sounded amazing. If only you were open to new experiences Anne!
I can't wait to read about tomorrow's wonderful adventures,
You both are so fun. Glad you are sharing this time together. Be careful, as in one way streets are not good. Keep posting everything. You are giving this homebody an adventure.